Progress and Tradition

We want to continue and further develop the traditional heritage of our company. New product developments and the application of modern technologies should open up further customer groups for us. Targeted public relations work should contribute to our intention.


Quality as a management task

We consider the quality of our products to be our main task. Along with consistent product quality, product safety is also a top priority. We meet all legal and customer-specific requirements in the manufacture of our goods. Since we are aware that the quality of our products is created at every workplace in the company, training and further education have a high priority for us.


Personnel responsibility and our food safety culture

A respectful and dignified interaction with each other is another cornerstone of our actions. Violence, physical or psychological will not be tolerated. We reject any discrimination based on religion, gender or nationality and will not be tolerated.


For this reason, Heinerle Berggold Schokoladen GmbH is committed to complying with the OECD guidelines for ensuring high human rights standards and respect for applicable legislation in its areas of business and activity, including the prevention and combating of child labour, forced labour, violence and harassment in the workplace as well as discrimination, including gender inequality, wherever they occur.


Ecology & Environment

We are aware of our responsibility towards the environment and future generations. For this reason, we continuously try to reduce our carbon footprint. Aspects of sustainability and effective resource conservation play a fundamental role in each of our investment decisions. In addition, we support and promote the manufacturing of products from sustainable raw materials and cooperate effectively with the relevant initiatives.



We are committed to fairness, honesty and integrity towards our customers, suppliers and employees. Furthermore, we undertake not to tolerate corruption, bribery and unethical business conduct and to fight them to the extent possible.


In our 140-year tradition, the company has specialized in producing high quality specialty chocolates with alcohol and praline fillings and jellies on agar base with chocolate or sugar crystals.

We manufacture under the different brands:

  • BERGGOLD - Chocolates and jellies specialties
  • Heinerle - children items, like chocolate lolly and crisped rice, baby bottles with sugar pearls
  • Private label

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